Friday, July 12, 2013

Easter in Corfu

There is one piece of knowledge you must possess about Corfu. It is the No.1 place to visit during Easter. The quiet archways of the Old Town - where shoppers and sightseers are found meandering along, soaking up the atmosphere of the classical architechture and relaxed streets - become the hotspot for a frenzie of flying pottery and guns firing, in celebration of the beginning of Easter.

Crowds cheer as huge red pots are thrown from the highest balconies, towering over the narrow streets. The excited spectators take shelter in shop entrances and tuck neatly into doorways, It is a crazy sight to see.
As the Pots come smashing down on the road, the celebrations kick in, lead by the brass bands from every community in Corfu, marching throught the overcrowded streets with purpose. 

Why do they smash red pots in Corfu, at Easter?

There are a few stories.
  • Every Easter Saturday, The ressurection of Jesus Christ is first announced at 11am. Everyone states 'Christ has Risen' and throws Red clay pots filled with water, out of their windows.
  • Throwing the pots may symbolise ridding the house of bad spirits. This originates from Venetian New Years Day, where it was traditional to rid the home of old,energy, to make way for the new.
  • Another reason is to celebrate the end of the 40 Days of Lent.
  • It may symbolise 'The Stoning of Judas'. It is believed this practice was once used to rid the Jews from the streets of Corfu. 
Whatever the true reason is, high festivities are guaranteed every year.


Arrive in plenty of time.
Don't be put off by jumping on a bus - you may get further than if you take the car!
If you are not in the crowd by 10.45, don't bother trying, you will waste your energy.
The number of visitors for this short time slot is high - If you are not keen on crowds avoid this event, There are many more celebrations to attend throughout the Weekend.


Everyone loves fireworks. If you fancy something different, take your boat from Gouvia Marina on the Sunday night and head for the Old Fortress where you can watch the Easter fireworks display from the water. Here you will have the ultimate view of the fireworks as they illuminate the fortress below.

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