Monday, December 24, 2012

12 Days of Sailing Xmas

Here is the finale.
I hope you enjoy. xx


On the twelfth day of christmas my true love gave to me,

12 Bottles of Rum

11 m of Chain Linking

10 000 litres of Fuel for Motoring

9 Tubs of Metal Brightening

8 Litres of Antifouling

7 Flares a Flaring

6 Sail Speaders Spreading

5 Gold Rings

4 Dingy Bungs

3 Fender Socks

2 Rigger Gloves

And a Receipt for the Yearly Mooring Fee

L McEwan

Friday, December 14, 2012

3rd Day - 12 Days of Sailing Xmas

As promised, here is the next line to '12 Days of Sailing Christmas'

On the third day of xmas my true love gave to me 

3 replacement bungs,

2 rigger gloves,

And a receipt for the yearly mooring fee

Save Greek Tourism

We all know the trauma Greece has been through in the past few years. Threatened bank closures and Government corruption, danger of bankrupcy leading into the Corporate take-over and privitisation of the Country. It's a good job the people are there to pick up the pieces....
I found this campaign quite Interesting. 

Click on this link - 
Up Greek Tourism Advertising Campaign

This fantastic idea has come from a normal group of Individuals, with a passion to save Greece from the bleak, negative image the media easily created.

People will stand their ground, when they know something is worth fighting for.

If you do not wish to donate, please come visit!! The people need your support! And remember, the true Greece lies beyond the all inclusive hotels. By all means, find yourself a cheap package deal, but come outside of the complex grounds and step into the real Greece.

Remember, the Marina is home to many yacht charter companies who offer the best trips around the Ionians. I would urge you to include some form of sailing experience on your next holiday. You may be surprised with the affordability and flexibility on offer.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 2 - 12 Days of Sailing Christmas

Day 2

"On the 2nd Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Two Rigger Gloves,

And a receipt for the yearly mooring fee"

Check out tomorrow for another installment of '12 Days of Sailing Christmas'.

Relevent to Day 2's lyrics, it has been bitterly cold here today. Definate glove weather! The sun was shining, doing it's best to warm us up, but the air remained chilly. 

I think today has been a recovery day for most of Greece. St Spyridon Day was celebrated yesterday. Everything was closed and everyone named Spiro had a celebration. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Days of Sailing Christmas

12 Days of Sailing Christmas are Here!

Please navigate yourself round this website. Don't miss the merchandise page. 
You can now Buy Gouvia Marina Merchandise just in time for Xmas! There are many funky designs to choose from!

It is also worth noticing the handy gadgets to the right. I included weather and wind forecast information for Gouvia Marina.

"On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a receipt for the yearly mooring fee."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas comes to Corfu too

Another Day. Another Bay. 

  Discover how Santa delivers presents to the children spending christmas on yachts this year......

Anyone lucky enough to be spending Christmas at Gouvia Marina, can be assured the festivities will remain high throughout the coming weeks.

The changing season brings about change everywhere. The work floods in throughout the tourist season and no one stops. (there's always time for a quick frappe and a catch up though!) By the time the season is over, everyone just wants to chill and wind down. The tourists vanish but there are many boat workers who remain, and they still need entertaining. 

While many places close up for winter, a few remain. They become the hub of the community for the yacht scene. I have had my fair share of crazy winter nights, but this isn't the place to discuss them. You have to experience it for yourself!